5 minutes agoPublic
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and a group of fellow House Democrats landed in Cuba today as part of the first official House of Representatives delegation trip to the country since President Obama in Decemberannounced sweeping changes to U.S. policy toward Cuba.
But such sweeping change is in the form of Joint Operations between Cuba undisclosed Military base and The United States Navy NAS Key West Florida against the misuse of Cuba and The United States Agriculture of Marijuana as a use of relay from Central America and Mexico into both Nations the Prison in Gitmo shall continue while Cuba holds its 99 year lease of the rest of the Island since the Cuba Missile Crisis during the height of The Cold War during President Kennedy Administration such review of their Independent State shall be under hold from the prior Crisis until fulfill of The Treaty of 99 years from early break of The Spanish America War the move by Congress only allow sale of Cigar in Tampa Florida only of their past Factors the Families shall have visiting rights into Gitmo of their love ones the final move of the Citizens of Cuba to ponder is to a Remake Territory of Cuba as with The United States of America or to a full Colony rights with Spain but yet The Prison of The United States Navy shall continue in Gitmo and Island beyond other then that no open Travel is authorized between the two Countries until the latter into the 99 years from the Cuban missile Crisis the move in Congress is much like building the "Red Phone" as was done in the Soviet Union other then that International assist in Weather of both the United States and Cuba shall continue as well as The United Nations Battle against all Drug Activities along both Countries shall continue in assistance of Citizens and Taxes of Fugitive including child support is the Policy and Citizenship of either the United States of America and Cuba or Vice Verses is illegal again till the end of the 99 year extension from Spanish American War over into the Cuban missile crisis so have a Cigar and relax more then 30 years are ahead of Both Countries in their Rule of Law
Read more here:http://www.thenewstribune.com/2015/02/17/3643312/nancy-pelosi-leads-first-official.html#storylink=cpy
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