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Tuesday, May 28, 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thompson Cigar <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 17:20:30 -0400
Subject: Stand Strong Against Internet Sales Taxes – Your Voice WILL
Make a Difference

[image: ]
Stand Strong Against Internet Sales Taxes – Your Voice Will Make a Difference

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[image: Thompson Cigar Special Bulletin]
[image: Stand Strong Against Internet Sales Tax]

Dear Valued Customer,

Over the past two weeks, we have stood strong and stood together as
we've worked to inform members of the U.S. House of Representatives
about the dangers that the Marketplace Fairness Act, also known as the
Internet Sales Tax, poses to online business and consumers like you.

With your support, we have delivered more than 47,000 e-mails to
Congress explaining how this unprecedented tax hike will harm consumer
spending and will place a costly and devastating burden on businesses
like ours, just when the American economy is starting to recover.

We have made great strides and our voices are being heard all around
Capitol Hill -- but there's plenty of hard work left to be done. We're
asking you to send another letter to our next group of targeted
legislators asking them to stand up for taxpayers and businesses and
vote "NO" on the Marketplace Fairness Act.

We've developed a simple form you can use to tell all 30 legislators
that you won't be left paying for a billion-dollar handout to the
brick-and-mortar Big Box retailers that are supporting this bill.

To have your voice heard, click this link and copy and paste the
letter below. When you click "Mail Now," your response will be sent to
30 legislators in states where cigars are a thriving business and
whose support we need to defeat the Marketplace Fairness Act. Thank
you for your continued support.



As a concerned voter and taxpayer, I am writing to urge you to oppose
the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act, also known as the Internet
Sales Tax.

The Marketplace Fairness Act represents a multi-billion dollar tax
hike for consumers at a sensitive time in our nation's economic
recovery. It will have a chilling effect on consumer spending, and
will impose onerous requirements on online retailers.

The Marketplace Fairness Act will be particularly onerous for the
cigar industry, which thrives in your state and contributes nearly $7
billion a year to the U.S. economy. As many as half of all U.S. cigar
sales are conducted online or through direct mail, and the Marketplace
Fairness Act will have a disastrous effect on cigar manufacturers,
distributors, and retailers.

I encourage you to do the right thing and stand up for consumers and
businesses. Please oppose the Marketplace Fairness Act!

Thompson Cigar sale prices are effective during sale dates only and
cannot be combined with any other sales or promotions. Sales are valid
only while supplies last. This promotion is offered exclusively to
email subscribers and can only be accessed through this email.
Thompson Cigar reserves the right to limit quantities of products
without notice, and prices are valid only for a limited time and are
subject to change without notice. Prices are not retroactive. Thompson
Cigar is not responsible for errors on prices, quantities, cigar
sizes, or other erroneous information.

Founded in Key West, Florida in 1915, Thompson Cigar is the oldest
mail order cigar company in the country. In fact, Thompson still holds
Postal Permit #1 for the city of Tampa. Thompson Cigar is devoted to
delivering a wide selection of quality cigar products, in all price
ranges and suitable for all tastes. The various Thompson private label
cigars reflect our keen desire to provide the finest cigars at a
fraction of what a comparable national brand costs. Shipped from the
largest inventory storage humidor in the United States - over 300,000
cubic feet of storage space - Thompson customers always receive fresh
product. The business is supported by a 60+ page catalog mailed each
month with fast and convenient ordering via our fully staffed call
center or through our secure website.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and
you will not receive a response. For Thompson Cigar Online Customer
Service, please Click Here. To unsubscribe from any further
promotions, Click here.

Forward this email to a friend, Click here.

Thompson Cigar® | 5401 Hangar Court | Tampa, FL 33634
Did you receive this email from a friend? Click here to sign up for
Thompson Cigar email.
Prefer to order by phone? Call 1-800-216-7107 and use code 32101.

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
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USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
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Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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