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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Sky This Week, 2013 June 25 - July 2

The Moon wanes in the morning sky this week, tracing a lonely path
through the rising dim stars of the autumn sky. Last Quarter occurs
onthe 30th at 12:54 am Eastern Daylight Time. The only object of first
magnitude brightness that sheshares the sky with will be the star
Fomalhaut in the obscure constellation of Pisces Austrinus, the
Southern Fish. Luna will pass some 25 degrees north of the star in the
pre-dawn hours of the 27th and 28th.
We are now currently experiencing the latest sunsets of the year for
mid-northern latitudes. Here in Washington Old Sol dips below the
west-northwest horizon at 8:38 pmEDT and will continue to do so for
the rest of the week. By the week'send he will start to slowly drift
south along the horizon, setting at 8:37 pm on July 2nd. At the same
time sunrise is beginning to occur abit later each day, paring three
minutes off the total length of day as the week progresses. If you
like long summer evenings, though, don't fret; the Sun won't set
before8:00 pm until mid-August.
The fading light of evening twilight betrays only one object that's
easilyvisible to the naked eye. The planet Venus may be found shortly
after sunset low in the western sky. Half an hour after sundown she
should be an easy object to spot some 10 degrees up. As the sky gets
darker,sweep the area just to the right of the planet with a pair of
binoculars on the evenings of the 25th and 26th. If you have a clear
evening and a good low horizon you should be able to pick out the Twin
Stars of Gemini, Castor and Pollux, before they set. Venus will pull
away from the stars over the courseof the week, gradually gaining
altitude as she drifts southward above the skyline.
By about 9:15 pm you should be able to pick out the planet Saturn near
the meridian, about halfway between the horizon and the zenith in the
southern sky. This is the besttime to observe the ringed planet in a
telescope, since he'll be at his highest altitude for the night. The
planet's magnificent ring system is currently tipped about 20 degrees
to our line of sight, and they can beglimpsed with only slight optical
aid. Owners of four-inch or larger-aperture scopes should be able to
pick out some of the subtle features of the rings, including the
famous Cassini Division. This dark line about one-third the distance
in from the rings' outer edge is a true gap in their structure caused
by multiple gravitational resonances with the planet's innermost large
moons. In addition to the division itself, look at the differences in
brightness and color of the rings oneither side of the gap. The same
four-inch telescope at a dark location should be able to reveal
theplanet's brighter moons, Titan, Rhea, and Iapetus. Move up to an
8-inch scope and the moons Tethys and Dione should be easy to see. Our
12-inch telescope here at the Observatory will often show the tinybut
geologically active moon Enceladus when the air is steady and clear.
The "classical" moons Mimas, Hyperion, and Phoebe need larger
instruments at dark-sky sitesto track down. These nine satelliteswere
all discovered before the "space age", but since the development of
sophisticated ground-based imaging techniques and the visits by the
Voyager and Cassini spacecraft the total numberof Saturnian moons is
now 62!
The absence of the Moon toward the end of the week opens up the "deep
sky" for night owls and insomniacs. From dark-sky locations you can
enjoy the misty band of light that defines the summer Milky Way
passing through the rising stars of the Summer Triangle, Vega, Deneb,
and Altair. The band runs down to the southernhorizon, where you'll
find the distinctive fish-hook shape of the constellation Scorpius
crossing the meridian at around midnight. This area of the sky is one
of the most rewarding to scan with binoculars. Clouds of uncountable
stars, mysterious dark nebulae, and brightknots of star clusters and
glowing gas clouds dominate the view. This is where a small telescope
at low magnification can really perform; I will spend hours scanning
this part of the Milky Way with my little 3-inch refractor over the
course of the summer months.

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