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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Sky This Week, 2013 July 2 - 9

The Moon may be found in the pre-dawn sky this week, waning to a thin
crescent before disappearing in the rising SunÆs glare. New Moon
occurs on the 8th at 3:14 amEastern Daylight Time. Early risers on the
4th will find Luna some five degrees south of the rising Pleiadesstar
cluster. The next morning she passes just three degrees northeast of
the bright star Aldebaran. If youÆre up for an earlymorning challenge
and have a clear horizon to the east, try to locate the MoonÆs sliver
of a crescent just before sunrise. If you have a pair of binoculars,
look just above the Moon for the reddish glimmer ofMars. The red
planet is gradually emerging from solar conjunction, and in another
few weeks will be a bit higher and easier to spot.
Earth passes aphelion, its most distant point from the Sun, on the 5th
at 10:44 am EDT. At this time weÆll be 152,097,413 kilometers
(94,508,951 miles) from Old Sol. Since weÆre at our most distant from
the day-star weÆre moving at our slowest orbital velocity for the
year. This causes the Northern Hemisphere summer season to last a bit
longer than the other three. That may be a small consolation to think
about once weÆre in the grip of winter!
If the sky ever clears this will be a great week to get out and
observe the ôdeep-skyö. This term is what I use to describe everything
thatÆs beyond our solar system and the nearby stars that form the
constellation patterns. Deep-sky encompasses the Milky Way and
themyriad of star clusters, nebulae, and external galaxies that are
available for enjoyment with small telescopes. The summer deep-sky
isdominated by the massive star clouds of the central parts of our
Milky Way galaxy. From a dark location this diffuse band of light
arches across the midnight sky withits densest regions hovering over
the southern horizon. Binoculars or small, wide-field telescopes are
thebest tools for exploring these regions, especially the fields above
the stars of Scorpius and Sagittarius. As you sweep upward toward the
bright stars of the Summer Triangle, youÆll encounter dark rifts of
starlessness interspersed with the knots of star clusters and glowing
A characteristic object in this part of the sky is the ôglobular
clusterö.These hazy puff-balls of light are clusters of hundreds of
thousands of very old stars that slowly orbit the Milky WayÆs center,
taking a few hundred million years to complete one circuit. There are
some 150 such clusters in the Milky WayÆs system, and some of the best
and brightest are showcased right now. The best of these is Messier
13, the Great Hercules Cluster, which can be seen in binoculars as a
hazy patch nestled between two 7th magnitudestars in the northwest
corner of theôKeystoneö asterism in Hercules. A4-inch telescope will
show a smattering of tiny stellar pinpoints surrounding a bright fuzzy
core, andin instruments with 8 or more inches of aperture it resolves
into aswarm of uncountable stars. Messier 4 may be found just to the
right of the ruddy star Antares in Scorpius, while my favorite
globular,Messier 22, lies just to the left of the star Kaus Borealis,
which marksthe ôtopö of the ôTeapotö asterism in Sagittarius. There
are at least a dozen more of these objects awaiting your view in this
part of the sky.
Closer to home the planet Venus hangs above the western horizon during
evening twilight. You should have no trouble finding her about half an
hour after sunset, but she disappears just after 10:00 pm.
Saturn remains the only easily observable planet for evening
skywatchers. The ringed planet is now just west of the meridian as
twilight fades, so you only have a few hours to enjoy the view of him
through a telescope. Saturn reaches the second stationary pointof this
yearÆs apparition on the 9th, pausing his westward creep against the
stars and resuming his slow plod eastward. This is a good time to
observe him with the telescope since the planetÆs sphere now casts a
noticeable shadow on the eastern portion of his distinctive rings.
When you tire of looking at fuzzy globular clusters, round out your
evening enjoying the always amazing view ofthis distant planet!

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