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Monday, June 24, 2013


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From: UNNews <>
Date: 24 Jun 2013 14:00:01 -0400

Security Council today sent a strong signal to perpetrators of sexual
violence in conflict that their crimes will not be tolerated, adopting
a new resolution to strengthen efforts to end impunity for a scourge
that affects not only large numbers of women and girls but also men
and boys.

In three previous resolutions – 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009) and 1960
(2010) – the Council affirmed that sexual violence, when committed
systematically and used as a tool of war, is a fundamental threat to
international peace and security, requiring an operational security
and judicial response.

During a debate on women and peace and security, the 15-member body
today unanimously adopted resolution 2106, by which it emphasized more
consistent and rigorous investigation and prosecution of sexual
violence crimes as a central aspect of deterrence, and ultimately

It emphasized that "effective steps to prevent and respond to such
acts significantly contribute to the maintenance of international
peace and security; and stresses women's participation as essential to
any prevention and protection response…"

The Council recognized the need for "more timely, objective, accurate
and reliable information" as a basis for prevention and response, and
requested Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and relevant United Nations
entities to speed up the establishment of monitoring, analysis and
reporting arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence.

"Sexual violence, whenever and wherever it occurs, is a vile crime. It
must be exposed and met with the anger and action that it deserves,"
Mr. Ban <"">said at
the outset of the meeting, stressing that those who hold power and
influence have a special duty to step forward and be part of a global
coalition of champions determined to break this "evil."

He recalled his recent visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC), where he met women and girls who had been raped and maimed by
armed groups on all sides of the conflict. While there are hospitals
there to help these women, they cannot protect them, he said. "That is
a job for the Congolese authorities and the international community,
in particular this Council."

<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide">
<div class="carousel-inner">
<div class="item active">
<img src=""
<div class="carousel-caption">
<small>Zainab Hawa Bangura, Special Representative on Sexual
Violence in Conflict, addresses the Security Council meeting. UN
Photo/Devra Berkowitz</small></p>
<div class="item">
<img src=""
<div class="carousel-caption">
<small>Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict,
Zainab Hawa Bangura, speaks with other delegates on the margins of the
meeting. UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz</small></p>
<div class="item">
<img src=""
<div class="carousel-caption">
<small>Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the Security
Council meeting. UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz</small></p>
<div class="item">
<img src=""
<div class="carousel-caption">
<small>Actress and Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner
for Refugees, Angelina Jolie, addresses the Security Council meeting.
UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz</small></p>
<div class="item">
<img src=""
<div class="carousel-caption">
<small>William Hague, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom,
whose delegation holds the presidency of the Security Council for the
month of June, addresses the Council meeting. UN Photo/Devra
<a class="left carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">&#8249;
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel"

The Secretary-General's Special Representative on Sexual Violence in
Conflict, Zainab Hawa Bangura, noted that today, it is still largely
"cost-free" to rape a woman, child or man in conflict. "But for the
first time in history, we can reverse this reality. It will require
leadership and political courage, and a relentless determination to
match the cold, calculating brutality of those who would rape the
innocent for military or political gain."

She lauded today's resolution, saying it reinforces a compliance-based
regime based on reliable and timely information and analysis, and on
the actions that must be taken at the political, strategic and
tactical levels on the basis of such information.

"The resolve of this Council and the international community as a
whole has set us firmly on the path of accountability and prevention,"
she said. "We must stay the course, until we achieve the 'critical
mass' of action that will turn the tide on history's oldest and least
condemned crime."

The meeting, which is expected to hear from over 60 speakers,
including several senior Government ministers, is being chaired by
William Hague, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
of the United Kingdom, which holds the Council's rotating presidency
this month.

Mr. Hague, speaking in his national capacity, warned that if the
international community does not address the culture of impunity
surrounding conflict-related sexual violence, millions more women,
children and men could well be subjected to the same appalling
treatment now and in the conflicts of the future.

"The lead we set and the action we take, therefore, have the potential
to save lives and change the course of events around the world, and
nothing less than that should be our ambition… Together, it is time to
say that rape and sexual violence used as a weapon of war is
unacceptable, that we know that it can be prevented, and that we will
act now to eradicate it…"

Also addressing the debate was actress and activist Angelina Jolie,
the Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
who emphasized that tackling war-zone sexual violence is the Council's
responsibility, as well as the duty of Governments in countries
affected by it. And when Governments cannot act, the Council must step
in and provide leadership and assistance.

"I understand that there are many things that are difficult for the UN
Security Council to agree on. But sexual violence in conflict should
be not be one of them," she said. "That it is a crime to rape young
children is not something I imagine anyone in this room would not be
able to agree on."

What was needed, she emphasized, was political will. Every country in
the world is affected by sexual violence, and all countries have a
responsibility to step forward. "But the starting point must be you,
the UN Security Council – shouldering your responsibilities and
showing leadership… If the Security Council sets rape and sexual
violence in conflict as a priority, it will become one and progress
will be made. If you do not, this horror will continue."

Speaking from her experience as a lawyer and activist working to bring
justice to victims of sexual violence in conflict, Jane Adong Anywar
of the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice said that le
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